CAP Conseil- analyse audit en developpement durable

Ecovadis: the tool to evaluate your CSR performance at a glance

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A centralised tool to assess your CSR commitment

Do you want to evaluate your CSR performance on a platform and immediately compare your situation to other players in your industry?

Ecovadis is a solution to assess your CSR commitment. It is a globally recognised label that allows you to share your results easily with your stakeholders (clients and suppliers) and compare yourself with other companies in the same sector.

An Ecovadis score based on 4 performance indicators

The Ecovadis evaluation tool was originally designed for supplier screening. It gives an overall score out of /100, broken down into 4 subcategories.

The Ecovadis assessment covers the following 4 dimensions, weighted according to the sector and the size of your company:



Labour conditions and human rights

Sustainable purchasing

CAP conseil is one of the Belgian specialists proficient in using the Ecovadis platform.

We can assist you in writing documents for your assessment and help you improve your performance.

Contact us